Regional Specialty Show Guide

To find dates for NCA Regional Specialty Shows Please visit the Events Calendar

Regional Specialties -

Approved by NCA Board of Directors
April 2024  

There is no limit to the number of regional specialties held each year. NCA will support up to three regional specialties per regional club per year by providing publicity in Newf Tide; postings and links on the NCA website; and designated trophies. When deciding on a date for a specialty check with the NCA Specialty Show Coordinator for any potential conflicts.

No regional specialty may be held for 14 days before or 14 days after the National.
If a regional specialty is within 200 miles of the National, it may not be held for four weeks before or four weeks after the National.
No regional specialty may be held for 14 days before or 14 days after another regional specialty. *
If a regional specialty is within 200 miles of another regional specialty it may not be held for four weeks before or four weeks after the already AKC approved regional specialty. *
Multiple specialties (two or more back-to-back) may not take place 35 days prior to Best of Breed judging or 21 days after Best of Breed judging at the National. (4/22/03)

*There is a provision in the policy to allow for exceptions when there is written agreement between clubs to differ from the policy.

There are two types of regionals: one held with an all-breed show and one held independently. The regional specialty Chair must be a NCA member in good standing. For an independent regional the emergency response coordinator listed on the AKC Emergency and Disaster Plan must also be a NCA member.

Applications with appropriate fees must be received by the NCA Specialty Show Coordinator seven months prior to the event closing date. Late submissions of regional specialty show applications are subject to a fine of $50 plus any subsequent fines levied by AKC. (9/27/2017). Late applications may be rejected.

For more information, contact the NCA Specialty Coordinator.


This is the easiest regional to put on and every regional club is encouraged to try this first before progressing to an independent regional or a national. The all-breed club will hire the superintendent and do much of the work for you. Your club should have an agreement in writing with the all-breed club regarding income (entry rebates, retained sweepstakes monies) and expenses (shared tenting, chairs and tables rented through the all-breed club, sweepstakes judge expenses, rosette orders, etc.). Your committee may have to arrange for stewards and grounds personnel. The regional club must submit a Regional Specialty Application form with fees to the NCA Specialty Show Coordinator.

The regional specialty Chair should be the liaison between the regional specialty committee and the all-breed event committee, and show Chair. The regional specialty Chair must be aware of the deadlines for the all-breed show and has the responsibility to submit the regional information to the show Chair prior to their established deadlines. Deadlines include, but are not limited to: panel selection and submission (can be as early as one year prior to show date), premium list copy, catalog advertising, and rosette orders.

Regional specialty Chairs and event committee members should be familiar with the NCA Specialty Show Guide especially the entire Regional Specialties section. The NCA Specialty Show Guide must be on hand at independent regional specialties for reference. The Regional Specialty Section must be on hand at all regionals.


Since you will be insuring the all-breed club of a greatly increased Newfoundland entry, your club should be given your choice of judges. Try to select a judge from the current NCA Approved Judges List. Contact the NCA Specialty Show Coordinator for information on judging assignments at other regionals to avoid duplication. If holding sweepstakes, forward a copy of the judge’s assignment acceptance to the show Chair, so that your judge will be included in judges’ dinners, lunches, etc. Let your judges know that a post show article will be published and that their comments would be appreciated. Advise the all-breed club that they will be receiving a large entry of Newfoundlands in obedience.


The regional specialty Chair and regional committee determine the non-regular classes to be offered at the regional and the classes and entry fees for Sweepstakes and Veteran Sweepstakes. (Refer to the Sweepstakes section of this guide.) In addition to Stud Dog, Brood Bitch, Brace and Team, Working Dog and VN classes may be offered at regionals and Veteran classes may be divided by age. The requirements for eligibility for the classes must be stated in the premium list.


The regional specialty Chair must compile and submit material for the premium list. Premium list copy for a regional held with an all-breed show must include this statement: “The Newfoundland Club of America, Inc. will consider the Newfoundland classes at this show as its specialty show.” A list of NCA Officers including the name and address of the Secretary must follow. NCA Board Members and AKC Delegate may also be listed. Obtain the list from the NCA Specialty Show Coordinator. Eligibility requirements for non-regular classes must be described. The names of the judges may be included.

The AKC Rules Applying to Dog Shows stipulate that only licensed or member dog clubs can hold specialty shows. NCA’s regional clubs are not recognized by AKC, and accordingly, names, logos, and listings of board members of a regional club are not to be included in the premium list or catalog copy. Regional clubs or individuals can be named as trophy donors in the Prize List.

The premium list information must be proofread by the NCA Specialty Show Coordinator prior to submission. Forward your copy to the Specialty Coordinator two weeks prior to the deadline. Advise the Superintendent or All-Breed Show Chair to contact the NCA Specialty Show Coordinator for final proof reading before printing and mailing.


You will, of course, be using the all-breed club’s catalog. Obtain advertising space and make certain advertising deadlines and rates are included in your regional flyer. The all-breed club may give you a break on price, and you can either pass that on to the advertisers or keep the amount to use as expense money. The information from the premium list will be included in the catalog. If the NCA Board has changed since the premium list deadline, the up-to-date list should be forwarded to the Show Chair. Regional clubs may place an ad listing the event committee, welcoming exhibitors, thanking donors, or advertising up-coming club events however, it is only the Newfoundland Club of America that can be listed as hosting the regional.


Choose a motel/hotel as near to the show site as possible. Be certain to take into account the location of a show the day before or the day after. Set aside a block of rooms, set a price, and be certain all of this is included in the pre-show regional flyer and on your club’s website posting of the regional. It’s nice to arrange a banquet the night before or after the specialty.

Beware of Sunday banquets. Most people will want to leave for home immediately after judging. If the specialty is on a Sunday, have the banquet the night before. If it is possible, have a fundraising function at the banquet to help finance the show and/or have an educational program.

If budget allows, offer a continental breakfast or coffee ringside in the morning. Arrange some sort of lunch the day of the specialty or have it served ringside. If special arrangements have been made between a hotel and the regional club for this event the hospitality Chair should arrange to be at the motel during check-in time in case of any problems.


Almost all these responsibilities will be taken care of by the all-breed club. Be certain to ask for a large ring with adequate grooming and spectator facilities. If the show is to be outside, try to get a separate ring with separate parking. Your club may have to provide personnel to assist with parking in this separate area.


Publicity should inform prospective attendees of your event, ensure your regional is properly covered on the day of the show and then accurately reported with post-show articles.

PRE-SHOW Publicity

Advertise your regional in Newf Tide. Make sure your publicity Chair is aware of Newf Tide deadlines. Initially you may want to use one of your club’s 2 free quarter-page ads. Your regional will be listed on the NCA website calendar of events when the application is processed.
Post your regional information on your club’s website; it will be one of your best tools to advertise your event. If you have a club newsletter be sure to include a flyer for your membership. Don’t forget to ask for volunteers.
The regional Chair should determine who will write the post-show article and appoint one person who will gather all the material for your regional article in New Tide. The person who will be submitting the article and photos should contact the Newf Tide editor to verify the deadline for submission of the article and leave their contact information. Newf Tide’s policies for regional specialty articles are posted on NCA’s website and must be followed for your submission. Decide what pictures will be included with the article. Current policy for coverage of regionals allows for two pages when the entry is 30 or less, three pages for entries of 31 or more. If your planned article requires more space, your club will have to purchase the additional pages.
If budget permits, contract with the show photographer for a set of winners photos. Be aware that area TV and local newspaper reporters may be in attendance. Designate a spokesperson for the day of the show (usually the publicity Chair)
Send the all-breed club’s publicity Chair a copy of the regional flyer. Request that media inquiries about the regional and Newfoundlands be directed to your designated spokesperson.

AT SHOW Publicity

If there is more than one photographer, try to arrange for only one to take the pictures. Locate him early on the day of the specialty to make certain that he understands what you want done and see if he has any suggestions for your photo area.
The designated spokesperson should be ringside and available to answer media inquiries.
Assign one person to provide a correctly marked catalog. This catalog must agree with the superintendent's, and must include entry corrections, move-ups, and placements.
If a set of pictures is being purchased, ask the winners (Best of Breed through 1st place in each class, Best & BOS in Sweeps and Veteran Sweeps, Highest Scoring in Regular Classes and Best Jr. Handler to be sure to have their picture taken. If the club is not purchasing photos, these winners should receive printed instructions about sending a correctly labeled show photo to the publicity Chair by the deadline for the Newf Tide article. Winners should have the option to substitute any show photo in place of the photo taken at the regional. (See sample letters in Appendix)

POST-SHOW Publicity

The publicity Chair should get copies of newspaper coverage of the regional or TV spots. Complete your article and give it a title. Try to include judge’s comments and highlight the show. Be certain that the photographer sends you a complete set of photos of the winners. Once you have the pictures, label them with the dog's name and class won. Note that the information should be on a label in permanent ink. Do not write on the picture or use markers that will smear and transfer onto other pictures. Winners should have up to the deadline stipulated to furnish a substitute show photo.
After the photo deadline prepare the package for the Newf Tide editor following the guidelines and policies for regional club submissions to Newf Tide that are outlined on the NCA website.
These include:
Regional Club Submissions
Newf Tide Policy
Submissions of Captions and Photographs
Sample Regional Article
Include a check for any additional pages being purchased and postage for the return of the above material. Specific Guidelines for Newf Tide Article Submissions


The NCA gives each club hosting a regional specialty a trophy to be awarded to the winners of Best of Breed, High in Trial (or Highest Scoring Newfoundland in Regular Classes), Best of Opposite Sex, Select Dog and Select Bitch. NCA also offers a medallion for Best Junior Handler at independent regional specialties. Contact the NCA Uniform Trophy Chair to order these and provide the show date and shipping address of the regional trophy Chair. The regional trophy Chair should solicit donations from club members in time for inclusion in the premium list. You might consider having an ad in the show catalog to acknowledge contributors to the trophy fund and thank sponsors of trophies.

Trophies will be the major expense of the specialty. Order wisely. You must cover each class, whether you wish to cover all four placements is up to you; the NCA recommends you do. Extra trophies can be used at supported entries after the regional. Work with the trophy Chair of the all-breed club and forward an order for any rosettes your club is purchasing Arrange to have the trophies on a table ringside (for Breed and Obedience). The NCA tablecloth can be obtained from the NCA Specialty Properties Chairman.


As of November1, 2017 the Award of Merit term will no longer be used.
AKC Select Dog and Bitch wins at regionals will be applied and accumulated towards the NCA “Top Winners” for the year.


To ensure proper tabulation of these points it is essential that accurate counts for the Best of Breed competition be furnished. The Chair of the regional specialty is responsible for completing the Regional Specialty Worksheet and Report form and mailing it to the NCA Specialty Show Coordinator within two weeks of the show (digital submissions are permitted). The form for this is included in the appendix

The AKC Show/Trial Manual stipulates on the day of the show, the Chair must be available at least two hours before judging begins and until the event end. It advises that the Chair should walk the area to be certain everything is in order. A regional specialty Chair should be on site before the start of the show to oversee that:
Grounds personnel are at their stations
Judges Hospitality is provided (breakfast, transportation, lunch tickets)
Trophy table (Breed and Obedience) is set up and organized (Trophy cards, NCA tablecloth, etc.)
Stewards have checked in and rosettes and/or ribbons are at ring
Catalogs are purchased and marked for club historian, club show files and NCA Historian
Checks are available to pay judges, caterers, etc.
Hospitality set up is in place (morning coffee, delivery of ringside lunches)
Photo set up is complete, instructions for winners are on hand, the club's photo order is placed with the photographer
The Chair should be available throughout the day.


This is a mini-national. It is held on a much smaller scale, but clubs should follow every chapter in the NCA Specialty Guide. The regional specialty Chair should have knowledge of The AKC Rules Applying to Dog Shows and Obedience Regulations. The AKC Show/Trial Manual should be on hand at the regional. The paperwork that must be submitted to the AKC is identical to that of a national specialty. The NCA Specialty Show Coordinator should be contacted well in advance of the application deadline to verify with AKC that there are no conflicts with all-breed shows within 200 miles of the regional.

NCA recommends that a show superintendent be engaged. Clubs choosing to self-superintend or contracting with a superintendent to handle only the printing and mailing of all official documents for the show will have to designate a show secretary. The secretary must be a NCA member and will not be able to exhibit at the show. The secretary has the full responsibility for handling all entries, of enforcing AKC rules on the day of the show, and preparing records for the AKC. (SeeAKC Show/Trial Manual Chapter 9).

Since the entry probably will not exceed 200 dogs, only one conformation judge is needed. The NCA prefers obedience classes to be offered. However, if indoors and if space does not allow, a regional may be approved without it. Judges need not get NCA approval, but it is preferred to use a judge from the current NCA Approved Judges List. Sweepstakes are optional but encouraged. “Special Attractions” must be detailed on the NCA Regional Application. (See AKC Show/Trial Manual Chapter 7-9). If a new site is being used a site plan must accompany the application to AKC. The Emergency and Disaster Plan must be included with the NCA Regional Application. The Emergency Response Coordinator must be a member of the NCA.

The regional specialty Chair must compile all material for the premium list following AKC rules (refer to Chapter 8 Section 2 of the AKC Show/Trial Manual) and it must be proof read by the NCA Specialty Show Coordinator prior to submission to the superintendent. Send all material to the Specialty Coordinator at least two weeks before your deadline. Instruct the superintendent to contact the Specialty Coordinator for final proof reading before printing and mailing. AKC deadlines must be followed.

AKC-approved Special Attractions can be listed including the AKC National Owner-Handled Series and the 4 & Under 6 Months Puppy Competition. The name, logo or board of directors of the regional club cannot be included with the premium list copy. The premium list cannot contain any statement to “make checks payable to (your regional club’s name).”


Any recognized regional club may host a supported entry without the approval of the NCA Specialty Show Coordinator. Regional clubs with applications pending for recognition may use the NCA name for supporting entries with permission from the NCA Specialty Show Coordinator and the NCA President.

Since you will probably be doubling the entry, it is not unusual to ask for your choice of judge from the panel. Judges selection often is made almost one year prior to the show. Forward your club's current preferred judges list to the show Chair in time for consideration in the panel selection process.

With the approval of the show Chair, sweepstakes can be offered with a supported entry. The regional club should expect to pay any expenses submitted by the sweepstakes judge as it is usually considered as a voluntary assignment. These expenses should be negotiated between the regional club and judge prior to the judge accepting the assignment. The NCA Specialty Show Coordinator must submit the AKC application six months prior to the show closing date. The NCA Sweepstakes Form must be submitted to the NCA Specialty Show Coordinator two weeks prior to this deadline.

A copy of the sweepstakes judge's acceptance letter should be forwarded to the show Chair. Verify with the show Chair whether the all-breed club judges hospitality will be extended to the sweepstakes judge and budget accordingly.

The wording to be used in the premium list and catalog is: "The Newfoundland Club of America, Inc., will support the entry of Newfoundlands at this show." This copy should be included in cover letters accompanying the trophy list and premium list information. Mention can be made that the trophies are donated by your regional club or by individual donors. Make special note of trophies offered for divided Open classes or divided Puppy classes. If Sweepstakes is included, list the classes offered and a reminder to designate it as Sweepstakes rather than Puppy Sweepstakes when Junior dogs are included. Clarify Veteran Sweepstakes if trophies are offered for Best Veteran Dog in Sweepstakes and Best Veteran Bitch in Sweepstakes rather than Best in Sweepstakes and Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes.

Request a table ringside for the trophies if many are being offered. The regional club is responsible for setting up the trophy table prior to Breed judging. If a table is not available ringside, the trophies should be delivered to the show trophy Chair. Trophies should be clearly labeled. Confirm that the stewards in the Breed ring have a signature card for each trophy being offered. Obedience trophies should be clearly labeled and delivered to the Obedience trophy table. Collect any trophies not awarded prior to the close of the show.


Sweepstakes at our specialties have proven to be popular. They allow another exposure for our puppies and also for veterans. It is not required that a club offer. these classes, but if you do, you must follow AKC rules and the classes are to be divided as follows:

Puppy, 6 months and under 9 months ............................... both sexes
Puppy, 9 months and under 12 months ..............................both sexes
Junior, 12 months and under 18 months ............................both sexes
Junior, 12 months and under 15 months ............................both sexes
Junior, 15 months and under 18 months ............................both sexes

Veteran, 7 years and under 8 years ....................................both sexes
Veteran, 8 years and under 9 years ....................................both sexes
Veteran, 9 years and over. .................................................both sexes
Veteran, 7 years and under 9 years ....................................both sexes
Veteran, 9 years and older ..................................................both sexes

Approval to hold Sweepstakes must be received from the NCA and AKC. If you have the 12 to 18 month class, you must use the word "sweepstakes," not "puppy sweepstakes" because the AKC does not consider a 12-18 month old as a "puppy." It is a 'junior." The judge chooses Best in Sweepstakes and Best of Opposite Sex from the winners of the six classes or eight classes.

The AKC stipulates that all dogs entered in the puppy sweepstakes must be entered in a regular breed or obedience class. Entrants in veteran sweepstakes need not be entered in the regular classes. Veterans competing in sweepstakes only may be spayed or neutered. Puppies or juniors who are champions of record may compete in sweepstakes at the option of the host club. No restrictions may be imposed on whom may handle entries in sweeps competitions.


The division of money can be set by the club. However, the AKC stipulates that no more than 35% of the entry money may be retained for expenses.

The NCA recommends the following division: 35% retained for expenses
The remaining 65% to be divided as follows:
40% for first place
30% for second place
20% for third place
10% for fourth place

An alternative option for the Veteran Sweeps is to select only one winner in each class with no further placements. The winners then compete for Best Veteran Dog and Best Veteran Bitch. The division of prize monies would have to be revised. An alternative breakdown would be as follows:
35% retained by the host club for expenses 5% to each class winner
The remaining monies divided equally between Best Veteran in Sweeps and Best of Opposite Sex to Best Veteran.

Even when the show-giving club retains the maximum amount for expenses, it is possible to lose money on this event. Set your entry fee for Sweepstakes high enough so this will not happen. It is customary to award a trophy for Best in Sweepstakes and Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes. Ring favors are not given for sweepstakes, for these dogs will get them in the regular classes.

Any individual approved by the AKC may judge this competition. A Newfoundland fancier or breeder who is well versed in our breed may be approved by the AKC to judge for this show only. The Judges Education Committee has a list of "breed experts" that may be utilized in selecting a judge. Professional handlers who are experienced with our breed can be considered, as well as experienced breeders from other breeds similar to the Newfoundland. The NCA requires any potential sweepstakes judge to read and sign a statement concerning his (or any member of his household) exhibiting at this specialty. The statement follows:
"I understand that in accepting this judging assignment that neither I nor any person residing in the same household with me shall exhibit or act as agent or handler in the regular competition of the show, and dogs owned wholly or in part by me or any member of my household shall be ineligible to be entered in the regular competition at such show."
Copies of this signed statement and assignment acceptance form for each sweeps judge hired must be forwarded to the Specialty Coordinator with the Specialty Application.